What if?
Yeah, what if we forget?,
what if we ignore history?, and our past?,
what if everyone of us forget about the past?
what if we ignore the present?
and we should start thinking about the future...
Maybe we should start learning from the past, our own mistakes...
and from that, I can tell all of you, that the time to try even harder, is here...
Yeah, I can say I try, and I did, over and over again since the beginning,
and it's not working, it never did, and things, well, sure have change, but inside...
It's the same pain and love and confusion and fear and insecurity,
and I still have to face some demons...
I don't know if this happens, but, in case that any of you, in case you dear reader think, that you know me... well, let me tell you, to all of you, you don't know me, nobody really does, sure, you can know some aspects of me very well, and sure other knows a face of me that most don't, but, I just can't think of anybody, who can say without problem, that he or she 'knows me'...
The song can't lie, I am cold, I am ugly, I always get confused when it comes to feelings and love to be precise...
And yes, every smile that comes from me, potentially hides a bold-faced lie...
My heart wasn't really open to anyone, until someone actually win it, and I didn't and I don't know what to do, I never really knew... this was the first time of something I started to think it will never happen..
So... what good does the past did here?...
I maybe need to get away from the past and from the present in order to survive the future...
That's an idea...
I just hope that nobody get to know my cold side, my cruel side, my "evil" side...
Non of you can even imagine the potential in me, and there is people who will never know it, from my own decision...
But if any of you dear reader, get to know that side, don't take it personal, please, it's just my answer, my last reaction, that will mean that my heart is no longer in funtion, and my soul vanished away...
But that ain't happining soon, now, I'm good, I cannot be disturbed, I guess...
I just need to forget it.
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